Rucci Rucci2023-12-29 23:07:102023-12-29 23:07:10How the Feds Are Using Civil Asset Forfeiture to Threaten Free Speech Rucci Rucci2023-12-29 23:07:102023-12-29 23:07:10Supreme Court Rules that Excessive Fines Clause Applies to States and Constrains Civil Asset Forfeiture Rucci Rucci2023-12-29 23:07:092023-12-29 23:07:09Cops Seized $8,000 From Her and Never Charged Her With a Crime
When Malinda Harris went to her car after her son borrowed it… Rucci Rucci2023-12-29 23:07:082023-12-29 23:07:08Police seize property without charges and pocket the proceeds. There’s a bipartisan move to crack down.